

"There is a God-shaped hole in every man that only Christ can fill." — St. Augustine

3 Ways to Live in a Ministry of Presence

To truly live in a ministry of presence is a gift.

One Practical Thing You Can Do to Make Your Parish a Warmer Place

"I may even go as far as seeing if they want to go for a coffee. It may seem weird, but it shouldn’t."

The Unexamined Day is Not Worth Living

When it comes time to talk about New Year’s resolutions, do you have mixed feelings?

Can I Get a Witness?

Walkin' it often comes before talkin' it.

Comparison Killed the Cat

They say ‘curiosity killed the cat,’ but in my experience, comparison has always killed this cat.

Prepare your house: Advent is upon us

"This is a time to prepare our hearts for Jesus, especially if they are darker than we want them to be. We need to search for the light and clean the house."

Be the Kind of Person You Want to Date

"Virtue attracts virtue. If you want to find Mrs. Right, be Mr. Right."

Letting the Floodgates Open: A Personal Testimony

"I craved the floodgates. This is the adult conversion. I needed to choose, no matter how many encounters; I still needed the choice."

Guy holding a "help wanted" sign

I Want My Parish to Be Radical and Fearless

Does your parish set your heart on fire with a desire to "go and announce the Gospel of the Lord,” literally?

Avoid My Common #Prayerfail

A plan without contingency plans is a bad plan, eh?

Lips, Sleeves, and Missed Opportunities

Strongest among the things that haunt me are missed opportunities to speak of the faith.

Loving and Serving the Poor

On this Labour Day I recall a recent labour of love.


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