

"There is a God-shaped hole in every man that only Christ can fill." — St. Augustine

Leading Discovery

I think it is easier to make faith complicated than easy.

Relationship is More than Knowledge

Let's talk about the difference between knowing about someone and knowing him.

White Flowers

Goretti-style Forgiveness is Something You Need to Know

One of the scariest prayers, if you really think about it, is asking God the Father to forgive us AS we forgive others.

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Daring to Make Time for What Really Matters

"Some resist giving themselves over completely to mission and thus end up in a state of paralysis and acedia.”

How I Overcame My Fear of the Confessional

"I was so nervous. More nervous than starting my first day of graduate studies."

Book Evangelii Gaudium

Has Evangelii Gaudium Made a Difference at All?

What am I doing now that I wasn’t doing before EG? What in particular has been “transformed”?

It Doesn't Hurt to Ask – The Power of a Prayer Request

“What can I pray for?” reveals much more than asking “How are you?”

Nicky Gumbel interviews Fr. Cantalamessa

Suddenly Something Remarkable is Happening in Ecumenism

Be honest: do you believe that Christian unity is possible?

What Do You Give Someone who has Everything?

We need to allow ourselves to be emptied and to ache and long for that is where we will find God.

Evangelization: It’s work, but it’s not rocket science!

Evangelization can be simple, effective, and free. Here's how.

5 Ways a Regular Joe can Evangelize

Can anyone evangelize? Even a Regular Joe like me?

5 Things I Love About Working with Protestants

"What unites us is much greater than what divides us." -St. John XXIII


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