

"There is a God-shaped hole in every man that only Christ can fill." — St. Augustine


How to Make Easter an Evangelizing Event

“Easter is coming, which is a very joyful time for us. We’d like to invite you to be a part of it if you like. Here is an invitation.”

How to Rock this Lent Like Never Before

How can we live more intensely this "favourable time for conversion"?

How to Share Jesus with the Online World

Let's talk about opening up the world of our Catholic faith in a way that beacons others to come and take a look.

Guy reading iPad

Why You Should Be a New Media Missionary

We all need to bring the Christian message to the online world, even if it means learning some new things, and here is why.

Subway station tracks

How I Transferred From Frustration to Prayer on the Subway

The subway is a very easy place to become bitter, angry, and overly selfish. After a lot of frustration, I decided to start praying about it.

What Happens When the Deaf Can Hear?

"You have a sense of what they felt to finally have access to the world everyone else was experiencing." This brings something else to mind.

The Best Possible Way to Spend New Year's

Let me tell you a bit about 6 of my best ever New Year's experiences.

Catholic Travel Tips from a Seasoned Backpacker

See the world: I’m a Christian backpacker, and you can be one too!

Floating in the pool

Does Your Parish Have a Shallow End?

Like Pope Francis says, it all starts with encounter.

You Need to Embrace the Crisis that Wrecks You

It is good for us to get in touch with what wrecks us.

Can You Help Me?

"The one who helps the sick and needy touches the flesh of Christ, alive and present in our midst."

An Ecological Conversion? Say what?

God placed Adam in the garden and asked him to till it, not to ravage and abuse it.


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