

Articles where the best & worst of our culture are held up to the light of the Catholic faith

Guy holding a "help wanted" sign

I Want My Parish to Be Radical and Fearless

Does your parish set your heart on fire with a desire to "go and announce the Gospel of the Lord,” literally?

Lips, Sleeves, and Missed Opportunities

Strongest among the things that haunt me are missed opportunities to speak of the faith.

Loving and Serving the Poor

On this Labour Day I recall a recent labour of love.

Marriage and Schmarriage

“Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.”

5 Reasons Every Disciple Needs a Blog

Have you ever thought about blogging your faith?

Dad and child by the ocean surf

The Truth about What Kids Do for Your Marriage

Let's talk about the crucial 3rd pillar of Christian marriage.

Girl praying with sombreness

The Painful Truth about the New Evangelization

Here are two ways you can and should get hurt in the New Evangelization.

Album Review: Brothers, by Joe Zambon

It's great to review an album that I actually love.

Alpha is for Catholics?

Do you know about the Alpha experience? You should.

Come Aboard the Bandwagon

Let's take a moment to appreciate the bandwagon fans.

Fist holding gold medal

In Your Faith Life, Go for the Gold

Let's talk about the difference 5% makes.

The Old School Rules of Dating

One of the biggest snags in modern dating is this: the lack of distinction between “dating" and "going steady”.


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