Articles where the best & worst of our culture are held up to the light of the Catholic faith
Who do you think of when you think of the word "courage"?
Charity impels us to share the truth because love is desiring the good of the other.
Here are some facts about this great saint.
Can anyone evangelize? Even a Regular Joe like me?
"They’re planning to teach what to my kids??"
"Man, have you seen that new video about Jesus Christ?"
"What unites us is much greater than what divides us." -St. John XXIII
St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us.
"I may even go as far as seeing if they want to go for a coffee. It may seem weird, but it shouldn’t."
Here are 5 reasons I think this movie missed the mark.
They say ‘curiosity killed the cat,’ but in my experience, comparison has always killed this cat.
Let's talk about the vast difference between 'welcome' and 'invitation.'
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