Articles where the best & worst of our culture are held up to the light of the Catholic faith
The subway is a very easy place to become bitter, angry, and overly selfish. After a lot of frustration, I decided to start praying about it.
Let me tell you a bit about 6 of my best ever New Year's experiences.
See the world: I’m a Christian backpacker, and you can be one too!
Like Pope Francis says, it all starts with encounter.
Being a one-issue voter isn't a bad thing when the issue is this...
"The one who helps the sick and needy touches the flesh of Christ, alive and present in our midst."
God placed Adam in the garden and asked him to till it, not to ravage and abuse it.
"Anyone who treats a person as the means to an end does violence to the very essence of the other." -St. John Paul II
Let's talk about the difference between knowing about someone and knowing him.
"Some resist giving themselves over completely to mission and thus end up in a state of paralysis and acedia.”
What am I doing now that I wasn’t doing before EG? What in particular has been “transformed”?
We need to allow ourselves to be emptied and to ache and long for that is where we will find God.
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