

"I say that a man must be certain of his morality for the simple reason that he has to suffer for it." — G.K. Chesterton


An Ecological Conversion? Say what?

God placed Adam in the garden and asked him to till it, not to ravage and abuse it.

Navigating the Eviscerated Dating Landscape

"Anyone who treats a person as the means to an end does violence to the very essence of the other." -St. John Paul II

Blurred image with light coming through

Why All Catholics Need to Care About Homosexuality

Charity impels us to share the truth because love is desiring the good of the other.

6 Reasons to be Sad about the Sex Ed Curriculum

"They’re planning to teach what to my kids??"

Canadian Catholics Speak Out Against Supreme Court Decision

St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us.

Death or Life: You must choose, Canada

Our Supreme Court has thrust us into a place we should not be.

Break These Chains

Isn't it about time to kick porn in the face?

Marriage and Schmarriage

“Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.”

Burn Your Ships

When your commit your life to Christ, don't look back!

Is this worth talking about?

"What exactly does marriage mean?" "I dunno. What time is it?"

Responses to Trudeau: Catholic Media Round Up

"A pro-abortion stance is irreconcilable with Catholicism. Period."

Cardinal Collins Challenges Trudeau

Toronto's Cardinal responds to Trudeau.


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