Responses to Trudeau: Catholic Media Round Up

Responses to Trudeau: Catholic Media Round Up
It was bad, no, ugly-bad news when Justin Trudeau announced that people who are pro-life are no longer welcome in the Liberal Party of Canada. But I must say that it has been quite nice to see the public response from Church leaders to this anouncement, especially from our bishops.
When Trudeau amazingly attempted to defend his move by stating his Catholic upbringing, Archbishop Smith of Edmonton's rebuttal rang loud and clear:
"The use of one’s Catholic identity to justify a pro-abortion stance would mystify anyone familiar with the Catholic Church’s unshakable commitment to the protection of all human life, beginning with the child in the womb."
"A pro-abortion stance is irreconcilable with Catholicism. Period."
If you've missed any of these responses, here you go:
-Open Letter to Justin Trudeau, Thomas Cardinal Collins of Toronto
-Priest criticizes Trudeau's abortion position (video), Fr. Raymond DeSouza
-Trudeau's got it wrong on abortion, Archbishop Richard W. Smith of Edmonton
-Tweedledum and Tweedledee (most entertaining of the bunch!), Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary
-Being in Communion with the Catholic Church on Moral Issues, Archbishop Terence Prendergast of Ottawa
Do you know of a response from a Catholic leader that I've missed? Please share in the comments below.
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