Pope Francis

Pope Francis

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Fireplace and coffee

How to Fire Up Your Faith When it is Weak

Are the embers of your faith burning low? Here are 6 questions to fan the flame. 


Why Your Church Should Care about Its Coffee

Great coffee and telling people about Jesus is in fact quite compatible!

Waterfall and rainbow

God's Mercy is Just Waiting On You, Baby

Mercy constitutes the Church’s very existence. Woah… imagine if that’s what we were known for!

Eucharist, incense, adoration

Why Are Exciting Catholic Parishes So Rare?

Because exciting Catholic parishes are so rare, we don’t even know what standard we should be measuring ourselves by.


Man hesitantly typing

How to Win when Disagreeing on the Internet

As Christians online, let’s show our friends and acquaintances what healthy disagreement looks like.

Girl looking at phone

Do You Have the Guts to Change What Needs Changing?

Here is how some terrible news turned into a real blessing.

Girl reading smart phone

How to use social media like a saint

Saints do not drift when they are online, they swim. What I mean is they are intentional about why they do something.


How to Make Easter an Evangelizing Event

“Easter is coming, which is a very joyful time for us. We’d like to invite you to be a part of it if you like. Here is an invitation.”

How to Rock this Lent Like Never Before

How can we live more intensely this "favourable time for conversion"?

Floating in the pool

Does Your Parish Have a Shallow End?

Like Pope Francis says, it all starts with encounter.

You Need to Embrace the Crisis that Wrecks You

It is good for us to get in touch with what wrecks us.

An Ecological Conversion? Say what?

God placed Adam in the garden and asked him to till it, not to ravage and abuse it.


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