Pope Francis

Pope Francis

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Daring to Make Time for What Really Matters

"Some resist giving themselves over completely to mission and thus end up in a state of paralysis and acedia.”

Book Evangelii Gaudium

Has Evangelii Gaudium Made a Difference at All?

What am I doing now that I wasn’t doing before EG? What in particular has been “transformed”?

5 Things I Love About Working with Protestants

"What unites us is much greater than what divides us." -St. John XXIII

Issuing an invitation

Why I Am Not Impressed with a "Culture of Welcome"

Let's talk about the vast difference between 'welcome' and 'invitation.'

Guy holding a "help wanted" sign

I Want My Parish to Be Radical and Fearless

Does your parish set your heart on fire with a desire to "go and announce the Gospel of the Lord,” literally?

Avoid My Common #Prayerfail

A plan without contingency plans is a bad plan, eh?

5 Reasons Every Disciple Needs a Blog

Have you ever thought about blogging your faith?

Dad and child by the ocean surf

The Truth about What Kids Do for Your Marriage

Let's talk about the crucial 3rd pillar of Christian marriage.

Cardinal Collins Challenges Trudeau

Toronto's Cardinal responds to Trudeau.

Follow the Leader

"Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses..."

Josh about to board a government jet

A Doubly Blessed Day

Here's a couple of reasons why today is an amazing day.

Looking Back on the Election of Pope Francis

Today is the anniversary of the election of our 266th pope.


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