Sharing Your Testimony, 101

Sharing Your Testimony, 101


This post is for a specific type of person. If you are not convicted that you ought to be ready to share your testimony with people, because you don't think that it can help people in their own relationship with The Lord, then you will get bored reading this post. Instead, read my other article "YOU Can Share Your Testimony" and then come back to this one. That one is the why, this one is the how.

As I said, people today need to hear testimonies. We want the story of why someone believes and lives the Christian faith. As well, when someone hears a personal testimony of faith in Jesus they can relate aspects of their own history to that of the sharer. This type of sharing can either help someone in their conversion, or affirm and build them up in their walk of faith.

Every person has a unique story, but every testimony has a few similar components. I’ve heard it broken down into 5 or so components, but I’m going to give it to you in only 3 easy parts. (You’re welcome.)

You can use this framework to construct your own personal testimony in a cinch. All you need is some uninterrupted prayer time, a notebook, and a pen. Are you ready?

Here are the 3 parts in every testimony:

1. The back story

So you made a decision at one point to turn away from a life driven by self-interest and follow Jesus with sincere faith and trust. What was going on before that decision? What was your life focused on? Why? Looking back, how/when did you realize that this was not completely satisfying?

2. The turning point

There was a moment when you realized more profoundly Who God is, and that God was inviting you to really accept His love. What was that moment (or situation)? How did you realize it? How did you feel? How did you respond? 

3. The after effect

What was different about your life after you made your decision? What changed? How is life better now than it was before? In other words, why should someone else want to make this decision?


Pretty simple, right? This framework will get your story out in a way that can be received and understood. And if you're wondering if you will have an opportunity to share it with someone, trust me, you will. I've shared my testimony tons of times: by invitation and spontaneously; in front of large groups and within small groups; on car rides and bus rides; at Chinese restaurants and at the pub after a softball game. There are lots of opportunities, and you'll know them if you are ready and willing. Even more so if you seek them.  

Even the act of preparing your testimony will bear fruit. In prayerfully examining your history, you will learn new things about how God has worked in your life and won your heart. 

Practical pointers:

-You testimony should fit in the 3-5 minute range because the listener may only have a few minutes to spare. (Having said that, I usually share for longer than that.)

-Is there a scripture passage that helps explain some aspect of your testimony? If so, incorporate it. 

-Your testimony does not have to include a life of total debauchery to be impactful. And if it there is some rough stuff you'd rather not share, you don’t need to go into deep detail. You can be vague and say things like “I was living a very worldly life.” Take care not to brag about or glorify past sins.

-Everyone can choose to put Jesus at the centre of their lives, and when we share our testimony with someone we should have an invitational mindset. We want them to know that they can make this decision, too.


Of course there is more that can be said about this, and I encourage you if you have any questions, comments, objections, etc., to post them below. I will look forward to them and respond wherever I can.

Do you want to hear my testimony? If so, check it out here. In the meantime, here are a couple of great examples of testimonies from Marlena and Julia.

Question: Have you prepared/shared your testimony? Describe the experience.

Challenge: As you prepare your testimony, ask God to help you think of someone specific to share it with. 

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