To truly live in a ministry of presence is a gift.
"You can begin to take down the walls you built"
"I may even go as far as seeing if they want to go for a coffee. It may seem weird, but it shouldn’t."
When it comes time to talk about New Year’s resolutions, do you have mixed feelings?
There were a couple of moments this past year where I was tempted to quit. Here's why I stuck with it.
Here are 5 reasons I think this movie missed the mark.
Walkin' it often comes before talkin' it.
They say ‘curiosity killed the cat,’ but in my experience, comparison has always killed this cat.
"Virtue attracts virtue. If you want to find Mrs. Right, be Mr. Right."
"I craved the floodgates. This is the adult conversion. I needed to choose, no matter how many encounters; I still needed the choice."
Let's talk about the vast difference between 'welcome' and 'invitation.'
Isn't it about time to kick porn in the face?
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