Evangelii Gaudium

Evangelii Gaudium

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Why Your Church Should Care about Its Coffee

Great coffee and telling people about Jesus is in fact quite compatible!

Eucharist, incense, adoration

Why Are Exciting Catholic Parishes So Rare?

Because exciting Catholic parishes are so rare, we don’t even know what standard we should be measuring ourselves by.


Alpha training at DR16

Why Urgent, Imperfect Evangelization is the Best Kind

I am on the plane right now on the way home from Halifax, where I was among the 600+ participants


How to Make Easter an Evangelizing Event

“Easter is coming, which is a very joyful time for us. We’d like to invite you to be a part of it if you like. Here is an invitation.”

You Need to Embrace the Crisis that Wrecks You

It is good for us to get in touch with what wrecks us.

Image of a watch

Daring to Make Time for What Really Matters

"Some resist giving themselves over completely to mission and thus end up in a state of paralysis and acedia.”

5 Ways a Regular Joe can Evangelize

Can anyone evangelize? Even a Regular Joe like me?

5 Things I Love About Working with Protestants

"What unites us is much greater than what divides us." -St. John XXIII

Guy holding a "help wanted" sign

I Want My Parish to Be Radical and Fearless

Does your parish set your heart on fire with a desire to "go and announce the Gospel of the Lord,” literally?

Image from Alpha Catholic Context Intro

Press Play on the New Evangelization

"I think the New Evangelization is about Catholics ceasing to be sealed envelopes."

What are You Waiting for?

Have we left the New Evangelization on pause?

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